I woke up at 4:58am and stared at the alarm clock. I knew it was due to ring in exactly 2 minutes. So I turned it off, pulled the covers over my head and hid. Because Monday morning is like a monster hiding under the bed; if the covers are pulled up, it can’t get me. I hid that way for about 50 minutes, which in effect, ruined any possibility of me exercising before work. When I finally crawled out from under the covers I resigned myself to the day and climbed in the shower–defeated.

But I didn’t hang on to that attitude. I let the shower wash my coward away. Then I went to work and pretended to be a grown up. It was a good day. And I learned a lot. I accomplished a lot too.

just goAnd then I started to drive home and I realized that, as much as daylight savings time scrambles my brain, it means I have an extra hour at the end of the day. And so with great excitement I pulled out my work-out clothes, slipped on my favorite running shoes, grabbed my Switchfoot tunes, and off I went!

And the sky was so blue. And the sun was so bright and beautiful. And the temperature was a perfect 60 degrees. And honestly, it just felt so good to move.

Sometimes I am weak. And sometimes I am strong. And sometimes they both happen in the same day. And it’s totally awesome. Today I am happy because I didn’t stop at weakness and failure–I keep swimming! And that’s something to be thankful for.

I met a man named Carl at Schnucks on the way home. I was buying a cauliflower so I would have a vegetable to eat for dinner. I asked Carl how he was doing and he said “Great!” And he seemed so genuinely happy that it rubbed off on me. I told him, “Attitude is everything, isn’t it?” And he said yes. And then for good measure he added, “I always say, I used to complain about not having shoes, but then I met a guy with no feet.” And he smiled this great big white toothy smile that made me feel warm inside. Life is good, my friends. Today, life is good.

I am strong!

I am strong!

Woo hoo!

Woo hoo!

  1. We have to have at least a FEW days to balance out the grungy ones! Love, Mom

    • Yes, Ma’am! And what a beautiful evening it was!

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