Sometimes I am a real idiot. There, I’ve said it. I might have the best intentions in the world but my mouth runs away and I trip over my words and before I know it, people are crying. And I think, “That is not what I meant to say” and “Can I have a do-over?” And my only real option is to crawl back under the rock I crawled out from under in the first place.

Mistakes make us human. If we’re lucky, we recognize our mistakes and learn from them. Making a mistake doesn’t make us stupid. We’re only stupid if we keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Today I am experiencing a terrible case of regret and all I can do is move forward. In one case I used poor judgment. In the other, I didn’t measure my words well. And I feel low enough to eat a gallon of ice cream. But ice cream will not fix my problems. So I ate cookies instead.

And if that doesn’t make me stupid, I don’t know what does!

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