So I’m a big nerd. Everyone who knows me knows this. That’s why the girls I work with laughed at me when I was reacting with horror to the cookie cake outside my cube yesterday. Because normal people don’t stand with their hands over their mouths and groan miserably when confronted with delectable treats. Because laughing is more polite than snickering, and the people I work with are nothing if not polite.

So this morning I got very excited about a blog post about Aldi. It is, after all, my favorite store. I shop there, well, just about every day. My husband thinks it’s odd but that’s okay. As a good friend at work told me yesterday, “You are so lucky you married someone as odd as you.” Amen, Sister. So I just wanted to put up a link to my new friend in the blog-o-sphere, Mallory Bacon. It appears she is a bargain shopper like me and cute to boot! I hope you will check out her blog over at It’s really rad. And awesome. And neato. And it looks like a nerd free zone. But don’t hold me to that. I just met her.

1 Comment
  1. Here’s a girl after my own heart!! I shop there for all these reasons. I agree with her that some of the products used to be sub-par. Not so anymore. Dad and I only spend about $50-$60 a week there while it would be at least twice that amount anywhere else. I love buying multiple bunches of broccoli for 88-99cents each. Prices can fluctuate according to their availability but like this week I bought large eggs for 99 cents a doz. Yay Aldi’s!! The senior’s friend. Mom

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