What do you mean exercise? Are you trying to kill me?

“Now it is quite true that there will probably be no occasion for just or courageous acts in the next world, but there will be every occasion for being the sort of people that we can become only as the results of doing such acts here.” C. S. Lewis

Whoever thought of exercise as a courageous act? Certainly not I. Courage is for heroes.

And what is hero anyway? Isn’t a hero someone who puts others before himself?

One of my favorite heroes is not a real person. In the stories I have read, he was a hero disguised as a ranger. His name was Strider and he was not at all what he appeared to be. He entered the story at a most opportune time and much to the relief of the little fellows he laid down his life to protect. Of course, he didn’t look much like a hero. With muddy boots and a dark green hood that cast a shadow over his face, he was mysterious and unwieldly. He convinced his new hobbit friends that they needed a guide—and so they did. Thus, readers were introduced to a king in the form of a servant.

“I am older than I look. I might prove useful. You will have to leave the open road after tonight; for the horsemen will watch it night and day. You may escape from Bree, and be allowed to go forward while the Sun is up; but you won’t go far. They will come on you in the wild, in some dark place where there is no help. Do you wish them to find you? They are terrible!” – Strider

There are many heroes to choose from in The Lord of the Rings stories. I have always been taken with the quiet strength of Sam Gamgee but I find Strider a most beautiful representation of true honor. He was a king—the rightful king of that land—and knew what it meant to sacrifice for the greater good.

In my youth I wanted to be a hero but I had no concept of sacrifice. I lived for the moment and for Queen Me. I was self-indulgent, greedy and deceitful. Of course, I pretended to be brave but my words (gossip!) and my thoughts (vanity!) revealed the shell game. Liars chase lies with more lies like a drunk chases drink. We always think this one will be the last. Unfortunately, the people we lie most to is ourselves.

Now maybe you are thinking, what does this have to do with exercise? Well, Dear Reader, I’m glad you asked.

Physical activity requires courage—especially if one has long been inactive. Exercise is painful and—let’s be honest—fearful. It doesn’t always feel good and there is not usually an immediate reward. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned after losing weight, it is that exercise is worth the pain. If one can be mobile, one should be mobile because our purpose is far greater than living only to ourselves. We live in community and the people around us need us just as much as we need them.

I need look no further than my own neighborhood for examples. The elderly couple across the street is not able to rake leaves. The woman down the street has MS and at times can barely move. Others can’t walk, drive or leave the house. Even if they have resources, they need somebody who is able bodied to help with any number of household tasks. Some will say it’s not my responsibility but I don’t think that is true.

Exercise is my way of keeping my body in shape so I can help others. Eating foods that nourish my body instead of poisoning it is my way of rebelling against a selfish, self-indulgent lifestyle. It takes courage to abstain from ice cream, cookies and my mom’s homemade fudge—just as it takes courage to keep my tongue from speaking lies or gossip.

So, no. I’m not trying to kill you. I simply want to peel back the curtain to show you that there is more to life than you. If you are reading this and know you are overweight, it’s time to do something about it. Stop making excuses. Excuses are for cowards. I know because I once was one—and at times—I still am. By God’s grace I am learning to face my fears and correct the toxic behaviors that make me less human.

“So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” James 4:17

“For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.” Hebrews 10:26-27

I follow Jesus—not because it is easy—but because He loves me. I know he is the only way to peace and joy. He came to set me free from sin, and when I surrendered my life to him—yes, especially the food I put into my mouth and the quantities thereof—he rescued me.

Strider’s real name was Aragorn. He accompanied Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry on their journey to destroy evil. He served and protected them at great cost to himself—not unlike the way Jesus walks with and protects me. He gave me the courage to walk around the block at 310 pounds, and again at 305 pounds, and again at 170 pounds. I still rely on his grace and mercy to keep me from consuming those foods that poison my body and would hinder me from doing the work I need to do for his kingdom.

“We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin.” Romans 6:6-7

Exercise is an act of obedience. For some people—like me—it is not natural and comes at a high cost. But if this simple call to care for the only body I get for my whole life is God’s will, who am I to argue? He has a plan and a purpose for me far beyond what I can think or imagine and I don’t want anything to hinder it.


Have a Hope-filled New Year!

She woke up this morning and her heart hurt. The dream was painful, but even more so the reality. She considered the day and squeezed her eyes tight. She pulled the covers up over her nose and whimpered.

“Too much.” She whispered.

But after a few minutes the children called and she had to get up. Had to get ready. Had to choke back the tears so they wouldn’t make the pancakes too salty.

She knew nobody noticed. Or cared. No one said, “Thank you, Mom” or “You are beautiful.” Instead they scarfed the food down and ran away as quickly as possible.

Her voice on the phone was ragged. “I don’t know how much longer I can carry on. The weight of life is just, well, heavy.” And I listened for as long as she was willing to talk. And I cried with her because that’s what friends do.

She talked about the New Year and said, “It’s more of the same. What’s to celebrate?” The tremble in her voice reminded me of a gull–sailing over the ocean, looking for hope in the form of a fish.

After a time I said, “Do you know what I think Jesus would say to you right now?”

And she said, “Look, I’m not really religious.”

I said, “That’s okay. Neither am I.”

And she laughed. “Yeah, right.”

And I said, “Jesus said, ‘Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!'” (Luke 12:22-24)

And she said, “Huh.”

And I said, “Jesus sees the monotony. The loneliness. The irony and the opaque. He thinks you are beautiful and he loves you. Just the way you are–love handles, gray hairs, crows feet and all.”

And she said, “Jesus is weird.”

Today if you are reading this and you feel the weight of the future like a millstone around your neck, if your hopes are as shriveled as your pocketbook, and your thoughts as dark as the depths of the sea, take heart! You are seen and loved by God. And if you don’t have the good fortune to have a friend to talk to, know that you can talk to Him and He will hear you. And if you have courage, you can surrender your life to Him and He will give you a new heart, and even better–glad and beautiful dreams that will all come true! He will even be your treasure–if you let him.

My friend was sad but she is beginning to see that there is light beyond this dark world–light that can shine into even the darkest corners of the human heart. This light is the happy hope of the nations! This light can even make the drudgery of single parenthood, the cruelty of an unwanted divorce and the not-enough-money-to-make-ends-meet facts of life wisp away like clouds on the river dissipates in the sun.

He is yours if you want him. He is standing at the door. All you have to do is invite him in. If you do, this will be the best new year you ever experienced.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” – Ephesians 2:8-9

When Hope is a Hug

My first day of Christmas vacation starts with a quick run to drop off my child at school. I suppose there is nothing more wonderful than dropping a child off and knowing he is safe and I won’t need to worry about him for a few hours. Not that I know how that feels.

I pull on my lycra and go jogging. I don’t feel like it. I don’t particularly want to. And it is hard. But the joy of running with Jesus is bliss! I love listening to His words and praying. This time of sweet communion has become so precious to me that even when my hamstrings ache and I can’t catch my breath coming up a hill–I rejoice. I am alive! And life is beautiful because I jog the path with my Savior.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

Jesus – Luke 4:18-19

I am not surprised when the phone rings and it is the principal from my son’s school. Nor am I surprised to hear he has been suspended. Again. And on the very last day of the school year too. But this has been our routine since school began in August. My son’s mental health issues are growing worse. I don’t have perfect answers. So I ask God for help. Then, because I have an appointment, I ask my older son to pick him up.

When I get in the car to run out, my tire is low on air. I pull out the (75 lb+) air compressor and fill it. Then I fill the tire. I call the tire shop and they say to bring it by after my visit to the chiropractor. I drive in silence–trying to deal with the heavy burden of anger the principal has just handed to me. It is like a bomb with a sizzling fuse.

I am thankful for my chiropractor. My friend, Dr. Amy is a gifted healer and has done so much to help me and my son. We talk about the difficulties of raising a child with behavioral challenges. We discussed the careless words and judgmental nature of people who don’t understand. Everybody wants to offer a solution and they grow frustrated when your child isn’t neat and tidy–like at the end of a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie. Sometimes, they walk away from the relationship with us. I understand. I wish I could walk away too.

It feels harsh to write that. But when I leave the office and discover my completely flat tire will not allow me to drive anywhere else, I have to call my older son to bring the air compressor to the chiropractor’s office. In the background my younger son is screaming and carrying on and refusing to ride along (he should not be left home unsupervised!). So I tell him a lie to make him get in the car. It is the only thing I can think of in the moment.

They arrive and I open the trunk of my son’s car to see the blessed air compressor. I fawn over it until I accidentally hit a lever and the air starts to pour out. I hop and holler and push every mechanism to stop the flow of air when shockingly–it does! Then, I start to cry.

“Don’t cry, Mom!” my older son says. “That’s not going to help.”

But I feel like the air compressor in that moment. I need a valve to release the pressure. And I think tears may be nature’s safety mechanism.

There is just enough air to inflate the flat tire and hopefully just enough time to deliver me to the tire shop a few miles away. Except, my younger son refuses to get in the car with me and runs away. I stand there with my bomb and its shorter-than-ever-fuse wondering what I’m going to do when I catch the child. Thankfully, my older son corralls him and takes him home so I can drive to the shop before the tire goes flat again. He is used to the routine, but it’s still difficult. I wish I didn’t have to ask him to do these things.

I am so glad when the tire shop fixes the tire for free (it’s under warranty!). They tell me the valve stem was bad and give me a list of other repairs for which they will gladly take my money). But I don’t mind their sales tactics today. Flat tires are easy. Mentally broken children are what is really hard.

I drive home and pray. “Lord, please help me not to smack my little brat–I mean son–or throttle him–or stuff him in the closet and poke him with sharp sticks.” Then I take a deep breath and try again. “But seriously Lord, please help me be patient with him. I need just a little more grace to deal with this situation. My emotional gas tank is on empty.”

This is how it is with a behaviorally challenged child. His behavior shines a spotlight on my own wicked heart.

I arrive home and try to have a rational conversation with my child–but he cannot have one at that moment. So I simply tell him how he will be disciplined and he flips out. Suddenly, the rational child who is so quick with a hug and an, “I love you more than the moon, Mom!” is screaming and hopping around like a Mexican jumping bean. I let him go. But things escalate because he wants to prove a point about how cruel I am (no devices for a whole week?!). But the prayers work. God gives me the strength to not lose my temper–even though the tears are close. After a while he puts his coat on and goes outside. He digs around in the mud for a while to relieve the pressure on his own frazzled brain. So I stand by the window and watch him–praying–and feeling very small.

Eventually he calms down. I think I want to call somebody who will sympathize–but I don’t know anyone who won’t tell me what I should be doing differently and I’m tired. So I sit down and read the Bible instead. I pray some more. I thank God because He is always good and kind, and because He loves me, He helps me. And the hope I have in Him feels like a hug.

Today, if you are in the trenches with a serious situation that is taking it out on you and you just don’t know what to do or where to go–may I suggest Jesus?

I recently listened to a helpful sermon by John Piper called, “The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.” At the end of the sermon he said God is not allowing the hard things in life to happen to us because He is angry with us. He loves us and sends supernatural help when we need it most. I know that is true. How else could I explain the perfect peace I feel now after the day I’ve had?

Take heart, dear suffering friend! You are not forsaken or abandoned. You are protected and held! Hope in Him is a hug!