Meet Tank. He’s my new fitness buddy. He is a beautiful brindle boxer and he is full of beans. That means he has lots and lots of energy. That is great news because we are a high energy household. One of the very things things we did was get him a few toys. The next thing I knew he was running back and forth with my youngest beastlet fetching and wrestling and tackling. Boys and puppies! They are not happy if they’re not trying to pin someone to the ground.

On Sunday I pulled out the yoga mat and showed Tank how to do crunches. He displayed good form.

And I’m sure he’ll have washboard abs in no time. Speaking of abs, my oldest beastlet has been doing crunches again(there must be a girl) and is set on having the physique of a greek god. I tell him, “I have washboard abs too. They’re just hiding under the fat.”

After my mat work I looked at Tank and said the magic words. “Would you like to go for a walk?”

I don’t think Tank knows what walk means yet but I put on his new harness and away we went. We did the full tour of Ferguson and I think I had more fun than the dog. I can tell he’s not used to walking on a leash much yet but he’ll get the hang of things.

Here is us after the walk. I actually think this walk is what made me really sick. I’ve been fighting a virus for the past week and a half and now I have bronchitis. I had to go to the doctor yesterday and get real medicine. The great thing about going to the doctor is, well, my doctor. Doctor Hana is the best! She is so supportive of my healthy lifestyle.

She said, “I haven’t seen you in a while.” I said “Right. I’ve been trying to stay healthy.” She chuckled and said, “I see you’re keeping the weight off.” And I proudly declared, “I’m never going back to the way I was. Never.” I really like my doctor. I love how proud she is of me. Also, I love that I’m not afraid of the scale in her office anymore.

Today I am sitting at home, sick, but counting my blessings. I am so glad we have a new canine friend in the house. My children are laughing. My husband dares to smile. And me? I still miss my friend, Hodges, but it’s good to move forward. I look forward to sharing more about my new buddy and our adventures.

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