Our days are short and we take them for granted. We waste time thinking there will be more of it tomorrow. But one day we won’t have a tomorrow. We are finite creatures with a limited number of days. Immortality is a dream.

I’m sitting here in the quiet of my room listening to the crickets and the ghosts of words gone by. So often we sling our words like sabers; hacking and wounding with little thought to their recourse. One moment our lips say, “I love you” and the next something treacherous. Once spoken we cannot take them back. It seems a simple thing to watch what we say but bridling the tongue is much more difficult than it appears.

Even worse, sometimes harsh words take root in our hearts. The barb sprouts and sows a harvest of bitterness. The offender says “I’m sorry” but the offended finds it difficult to forgive because they don’t have a mental eraser to wipe away the bruises. So it seems logical that we use our words carefully, especially with those we love the most. So why don’t we?

Be kind. Be generous. Be sweet and true. Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when it feels impossible. Especially when you’re tired. Better yet, when you are frustrated. Be kind when every one else is not and you will shine like a star. Anyone can use their words as weapons. Why not use yours to heal?

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