Yesterday I had a conversation with my boss where I told him I never refuse to try new things anymore. I used to be so set in my opinions and preferences that when someone asked me to try something new(i.e. Salmon, Brussel Sprouts or cabbage) I stuck up my nose and said, “Uh, uh! No way, Jose. Nicht!” But when I finally opened my eyes and heart to trying new things I discovered an entirely new world of favorite things(see the list above).

This morning I tried something I have never tried before…walking in sub zero temperatures. By sub-zero I mean, the thermometer actually said “0”. Last week I walked outside when it read “10” and I thought that was a pretty bold move. You see, I’m a risk taker. I like to live on the edge(of sanity). I like to push the boundaries of cuckoo until i fall into the oblivion of utterly dumb. That’s me. With 3 pairs of pants, 5 shirts, and 2 hats. Honestly, I’ve never had snot freeze to my upper lip before. See, there’s a first time for everything!

Saturday was another first. I have a Cathe Friedrich cardio blast dvd that has been languishing in a box. I pulled that sucker out and challenged myself to do the 70 minute advanced class without stopping. I learned 2 things in that hour and change… I’m a lot more spry that I gave myself credit for(I was able to do the whole thing without pooping out) and my sashay looks nothing like hers! She is as graceful as a swan extending its wings. I look more like a humpback whale trying to breach.

This cold weather is forcing me to get creative. I suppose I could chuck it all in and quit working out but that’s just not who I am anymore. If I miss a work-out I get seriously crabby. As in, I’ve got my eye poking stance nailed down and I’m not afraid to use it. Spending so much time indoors is enough to make even normal people kooky so my efforts to stay in shape are saving countless eyeballs.

I want to be brutally honest here, I don’t like winter. I used to–when I had more padding, but now it’s just miserable. The one down side of living a healthy lifestyle and shedding pounds is that one tends to get very, very cold. For that reason I am counting the days until Spring arrives. I can’t wait to see the trees budding, the bulbs sprouting and the children chasing each other around the house trying to brain each other with big sticks. This year I plan to do a lot of water-sliding, bike riding and standing in the river while the fish nibble my legs. (Why do they do that anyway?) Winter is for the birds. And I don’t even think they like it!

Today I took the road less traveled. It was cold. I took a wrong turn, and I got lost. My 60 minute walk turned into 90 and I wrecked my knee. But I was happy doing it. Today might be my last day but I didn’t waste a second. I walked my buns off. I ate Chick-Fil-A ice cream(Becky–I couldn’t take the craving any more!) And I laughed with a new friend at work. So here’s a shout out to all those kids who mercilessly teased me in grade school, I’m Marge! I’m (not as)large but I’m totally in charge(of my life). I’m happy and healthy and Cathe Friedrich has taught me how to totally kick your butt(aerobically speaking). Life really just doesn’t get any better than this!

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