Today I am the patron saint of spinach. I discovered spinach 2 years ago when my muscles began cramping. I read that it has high concentrations of magnesium and that it was good for promoting muscle healing and reducing muscle cramps. I had always hated spinach but discovered if it was fresh it was actually very tasty. I grew it in the garden last year and it was much better than store bought variety. Yum!

So why am I eating spinach today? Well, I don’t want to go into details, but I ate too much dessert last night and I feel guilty. I am also the patron saint of guilt. Sheesh. When am I ever going to learn how to stop eating too much? I don’t understand why, when I start eating something sweet, I just can’t stop. Well, I can, but it’s so difficult. So tonight, ixnay on the ice-cream-nay. All of that to say, I like spinach and need to cut my calories today.

I always think of Popeye when I eat spinach. I love my muscles and they love spinach. I also feel really great when I eat it, as opposed to feeling like a garbage disposal when I eat other unmentionables. So yesterday, when someone I work with pulled me aside in the restroom and said, “Are you working out? Because your arm muscles are like, wow!” And I got REALLY self-conscious and swore off sleeveless blouses because obviously I don’t know how to take a compliment. “But yes,” I told her, “I do lift weights, mainly in a vain and unfruitful attempt to rid my arms of the sagging skin that is a dreadful byproduct of losing excess amounts of weight.” And she smiled and patted me on the shoulder and said, “I can’t tell and I sure want some of what you’ve got!”

And you know what? That is very cool! Because if you knew how dorky and insecure I am, you would know how I blushed for 30 minutes after that conversation and got all sweaty and goofy as I worried about people staring at my Popeye arms. I kept wondering if I was a freak of nature. And then, after the weirdness wore off I realized, someone just paid me a compliment for goodness sakes, and I didn’t even say thank you. Ugh.

So today’s lesson, boys and girls, is “eat your spinach.” It is good for your body and will help alleviate muscles cramps naturally. It is also a tasty alternative to ice cream AND you will feel like Popeye even if you look like Wimpy. And this blog feels really random and goofy but I was just connecting the dots and realized I live a very random and goofy sort of life and why not share it, because, honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, I yam what I yam.

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