So you’ve started a diet. A fat-busting endeavor. A torture chamber called, “This sucks!” And you really don’t want to do it because you like the foods you eat. I mean, who doesn’t love French fries and pizza and Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches with extra cheese. But you are tired of the struggle. Your back hurts. Your knees groan. Your pants are shrieking at you, “DO NOT EAT THAT!” And, well, it’s just time.

So you go online and you look for a detox. Or a pill. Or a regimen with guaranteed results. And you plunk down some cash and give it a go. And, at first you see results. But then you hit a plateau. And you just really, really want your old favorites.

Oh, boy! I know exactly where you’re coming from. I mean, I played the yo-yo game with my weight for years. Lose  20 lbs, gain 40 lbs. Until finally I gave up and decided (yes, it was a choice) that it was impossible to lose weight and I may as well just eat as I pleased.

Which was a lie. I believed that lie for far too many years and I was miserable. I was sick inside. I felt like a wretched nobody because I was powerless over my food addiction.

And that is why I write. If you are reading this and you want to get healthy–you can trust me. I’ve been there. I know how horrible it is and I want to help.

So I’m going to give you some advice for free. That’s right. No money will exchange hands. No looks of condemnation. No expectations either. Consider this a warm hug on a cold night. Because I want you to know that you really don’t have to spend a bunch of money, or join a gym, or do a cleanse. All you have to do is learn to embrace the vegetable of gladness.

Did I lose you already?

I know. Vegetable is a four letter word. Except that your body really does love vegetables. I mean, even taters are vegetables. And you can still eat them (in moderation). You just have to learn how to cook them without frying them and buttering them to death. And you will have to eat smaller portions.

“Oh, ack!” You say. “Shoot me now!” You say. “I want lasagna!” You say.

Dear friend. You are precious and dearly loved and you deserve better than the physical life you are living right now. You already know that or you wouldn’t be reading this. You want hope. And I’m here to give it to you.

Tonight I thought about you and pulled out some veggies. They may not be something you think you like. You may even stick your tongue out. But bear with me. Have a little faith. I’m not trying to poison you. I promise they will taste good.

Bell peppers, mushrooms, and brussels sprouts

So I pulled out a pan and rubbed it with butter. Yes, I love butter and so do you. I just try to keep it light.

Then I layered the pan with brussels sprouts.

Then I layered in fresh bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and one diced serrano pepper. Then I sprinkled them with paprika pepper, pulled some fresh thyme and rosemary from my plants, and put on 2 tablespoons of butter.

And then I covered them with tin foil and put them into a 400 degree oven for 45 minutes until they were all toasty and sweaty. And then they lost the foil and cooked for another 15 minutes uncovered. And when they came out…

So, Dear Reader, I know you said you don’t like vegetables, but please give these a try. They are tasty and super low calorie. These can be a meal by themselves or you can add your protein of choice (fish, chicken, or another lean meat).

I know you want to lose weight. I know you want to feel better. I know you don’t have a lot of hope right now that you can eat food that both nourishes your body and satisfies your taste buds. I also know that each healthy choice you make is a good choice. Each healthy choice–whether it is going for a walk instead of watching a movie or eating veggies instead of French fries–matters. So just start with today. This moment is yours. That is how positive change happens. One choice at a time.

Go forth and conquer!


  1. What a beautiful dish!! Rock on!! Mom

  2. Great vegies! Thanks.
    I. Jasper

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