3.27.16 221Nothing captivates my imagination like nature does. Be it the sky, a rock or a toad, I am always curious and filled with awe when I stop, look and listen. Many of my adventures occur in the Spring as I go on my annual hunt for the elusive morel mushroom. I took my first trip on just such an excursion yesterday with my green bandana(to keep the twigs out of my hair) and my trusty walking stick. It is a little early yet so I didn’t expect to find any, but I did find beauty and a whole lot of fresh air and sunshine.

3.27.16 205I suppose this is the part of the blog where I should say something inspirational and I guess I will. Hiking as an obese person stinks. I did it for many years. Yesterday I remembered to thank God I am not carrying around an extra person. Sometimes it is just so very awesome to walk around and not feel encumbered by an extra layer of fat. It just feels, well, incredible! It never gets old. So if you are trying to lose weight or just looking for a pep talk, listen closely….all the hard work and pain is worth it. Be it squeezing into that dress you outgrew years ago or line dancing without huffing and puffing, don’t give up! Don’t lose heart. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually you will accomplish your goals.

3.27.16 217We found many pretty wildflowers, although I only took a picture of my favorite, Dutchman’s Breeches. These bleeding heart look-a-likes grow in bunches throughout the woods in the early spring and are a good indicator that morels are not far behind. We hiked up some steep hills, and then when we were tired and hungry, we sat down with our food(an orange for me) on a log and enjoyed each other’s company. Then, when we were tired of hiking we found a creek bed(Big Sugar Creek) and sifted through the rocks for fossils. My husband showed off his rock skipping skill while I poked and prodded the silt for arrowheads and crinoids. There are never enough hours in the day for this type of fun and it was with a heavy–albeit tired–heart that we hiked out of the park and headed for home.

3.27.16 223I’ve had a lot of bad days in the past few months where my body was crabby or just plain ill, so for once I wanted to share what a good day looks like. I love the days when I can just walk and breathe deep and enjoy all the hard work I have put in to keep the weight off. Unless one has suffered through year after year of morbid obesity, one cannot imagine the toll it takes. And once you get there, it feels like the most awful trap you can’t escape. Yesterday was a good day to celebrate my escape from that prison. I didn’t take any magic pills or have anyone cut half my stomach out. I simply took one day at a time, one step at a time, and sometimes, even one breath at a time, to slowly inch my way out. I am living proof it is possible to lose weight and keep it off. And I thank God for continuing to teach me how to discipline my mind and body so that I ensure I never, ever go back.

  1. Congrats, on your weight loss and more importantly keeping it off. I am morbidly obese and try over and over to only go back to eating and gaining again. It really does feel like a trap I can’t get out of. I’m sure most people don’t think I even try but I really do try and have for so long to lose weight. It’s something I pray about all the time. I’m happy it’s possible to get out of that trap. It’s good to know it’s possible.

    • I have always been so insecure and so worried about what other people thought. That is a trap too. I am still working on how to not compare myself to others. I would encourage you to control the things you can, and make decisions one at a time and try not to get overwhelmed with the journey. Our stupid culture puts entirely too much focus on the beach body and practically no emphasis at all on having a beautiful heart. I think the heart is more important! And I’m not going to say anything trite about losing weight. It’s just so dang hard! I fight every day. And my fight is visible. So when I slip–there it is! Tight pants! Onward Christian Soldier! Oh, and Never give up! Never surrender! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fdcIwHKd_s

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